So What Exactly Is a Health Coach?
“So, what exactly is a holistic health coach?” you may be wondering. Well, I’m here to give you some clarity on what health coaches do and how they can help you on your health journey.
A holistic health coach is very similar to a life coach but focuses on health and wellness. We offer personalized, individual support for our clients that addresses the gap in the healthcare system which exists between doctors, or even dietitians, and their patients.
Often, doctors are only able to see their patients for a short amount of time per visit due to the amount of patients they see in a day. Although they can be excellent at fixing problems or symptoms once they arise, they typically don’t have the time to change habits and make lasting lifestyle changes. That’s where the health coach comes in.
As health coaches, we act as guides for our clients and empower them to make sustainable changes that will improve their health and well-being. We take the time to listen to what you’re struggling with and work with you to set your own goals. My program is 6 months long, which is perfect for making lasting changes. During that time frame, you will experience different seasons, holidays, potentially a major life event, and with your health coach, you’ll be armed to navigate successfully through every situation.
Health coaches help people look at health through a holistic lens. Health is much more than the food on your plate. It’s the satisfaction with our relationships, life’s purpose or spirituality, our level of physical exercise each day, and much more. Our mental health plays a massive role in our overall health and it cannot be neglected in determining how healthy we feel. Simply put, health coaches can help bring balance to all these areas of the client's life and many more.
When working with a holistic health coach, you will first examine your health concerns, then set goals with the help of your coach, and take small but important steps to get you to a place of wellbeing. Coaches help clients set their own effective and achievable goals. We offer accountability and guidance but ultimately YOU, the client, hold the power and decisions. Coaches do not prescribe specific diets or exercises as they are not experts in either area (unless they have other degrees/certifications). Every person is bio-individual, meaning one person’s medicine is another person’s poison. Health coaches focus on taking a preventative approach to health and wellness and work with their clients to get to the root causes of whatever it is they are dealing with.
Working with a coach means having an accountability partner who can guide you toward a healthier lifestyle. A health coach is someone who can offer support and empathize with you and also encourage you to make realistic, sustainable goals and then act toward achieving them. Together you will come up with a few changes at a time to implement in your daily life. Working with a holistic coach will empower you to improve not only your diet but your lifestyle and relationships as well.