Simple Tips for Consistent Exercise
Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t need to practically kill you to be a “good workout”. And a good workout doesn’t replace taking care of yourself through nutrition, sleep, self care etc. It would always rub me the wrong way when I was in a really tough class and the instructor would say to everyone “Keep going! You’re putting in this work now so that you can have those fries later today!” So you’re saying I can’t have the fries without feeling bad about myself? And I only deserve them once I burn these 600 calories? This is not true and not realistic.
Exercise should be something you actually enjoy! It should be movement of some sort. It doesn’t need to be an hour + at the gym before work at 6am everyday. It can be taking your dog for a long walk. It can be doing 25 minutes of yoga after work to destress. It can even be a few sun salutations in the morning to get your day started. The most important thing that exercising does for me hands down is keep my mental health in check. That is what keeps me coming back for more. I would love for everyone to find ways to incorporate a healthy relationship with exercise in their life. Not overdoing it and not being a stranger to it.
Here are some tips for finding ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life at a sustainable level:
Take some time to find what works for you.
Do you love fresh air and nature? Hike if you’re able to! Don’t live in a picturesque mountain town? No worries. Chicago’s Lincoln Park Nature Boardwalk will do the trick or even a stroll or run down the lake.
Do you prefer to take classes with friends? Sign up for ClassPass, a gym for you and a friend, or just do your workouts together. Holding each other accountable can be useful for a lot of people.
Would you rather spend this time alone and zone out (aka me a lot of the time)? Try running (or walking!), yoga or really any other activity but I find that these two are my favorites for really entering a therapeutic state of mind.Switch it up!
If you’re someone who gets bored easily (like me) I recommend switching up your form of exercise. Some days I do pilates, some days I’ll go on a run, other days yoga or long walks. This way you won’t get burned out and trying new workouts is always fun because you don’t really know what you’re in for.
Plan your workouts in your weekly schedule.
Every Sunday, I look at my calendar and find 30 minutes a day that I can do something active. Sometimes it’s just walking my dog Gus for 20 minutes during lunch and then 30 minutes after work. Other times I can do a yoga video for 45 minutes. The more you plan for it, the better chance you will actually get to it. And I promise you won’t regret making time for this because you will feel great afterwards.
Realize you won’t always have the motivation you have on the first day
Training for a marathon will teach ya this one! I love a good challenge and committing to something like a marathon requires a lot of sticking to a schedule and making it a habit. Once exercise becomes a habit there will be days when you crave it and others when you don’t but you will get to the point where you recognize the immense benefits immediately afterwards (and I’m just talking mental benefits!). And ultimately, that is what keeps a lot of people staying active.
Remember you absolutely don’t need to be doing something intense everyday. Or any day for that matter. It’s all about moving your body.